Blossom offers superior quality Frankincense Oil in bulk. It is colorless liquid and has woody, earthy and spicy with a fruity undertone.
Frankincense Oil, also called olibanum (Arabic: luban), is produced from the resin of the genus Boswellia. The word incense comes from the term "francencens", which means quality incense in Old French. Therefore, it was considered a "pure incense" and the most desirable of all other types of incense. Its powerful aroma can be described as woody, earthy and spicy with a fruity undertone. The main chemical components of essential oil are limonene, pinene, borneol, farnesol, phellandrene, and myrcene, with mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that soothe dry and sensitive skin. This powerful essential oil is revered for its ability to beautify and rejuvenate the skin when applied topically and to promote cellular health. Its astringent properties are said to help balance oily or overactive skin.
This is one of the oldest essential oils and dates back to ancient Egypt. In Ayurvedic medicine, Indian frankincense (B. serrata), commonly known as 'dhoop', has been used for hundreds of years for arthritis, strengthen the female hormonal system, and purify the atmosphere of undesirable germs. For some religions, incense is correlated with one of the most precious possessions of ancient Biblical times.
Skin Care Hair Care
Nail Care Lip Care
Baby care Sun care
Cosmetics Massage
Anti-inflammatory Antiseptic
Growth of new skin cells Expectorant
Anti-ageing Protect skin and hair
All the products offered by Blossom Group LLC are for external use only. Do not consume internally. Products information on on the website/documents are for information purpose only. Nothing contained herein should be considered as a recommendation by Blossom Group LLC. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Products should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner. Please read full disclaimer here.