Blossom offers superior quality cold pressed Chia Seed Oil in bulk. It has yellow color and characteristic odor for versatile application.
The Indians of the Southwest and Mexico used to call the chia seeds “running food” because of their high energy and protein content. Chia Seed Oil is full of omega -3 fatty acids, vitamin B3, and antioxidants. Concentration of omega 3 fatty acids in chia seed oil is higher than in other similar oils like flax oil or fish oil. Omega 3 fatty acids are powerful anti-inflammatory when applied topically. Together with all other constituents, chia seed oil helps skin cell-membranes to keep their integrity, improve epidermal barrier function and skin hydration. This makes it ideal moisturizer, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as relieving dryness and peeling.
Skin Care Body Care
Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant
Moisturizing Anti- ageing
Nutrient richHydrating
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