Blossom offers excellent quality cold pressed Castor Oil in bulk. It has light-yellow color and mild odor for versatile application. Our castor oil complies to US Pharmacopeia standards USP/NF.
Castor Oil is being used in many applications from medicine to cosmetic to industrial products. Castor Oil contains ricinoleic acid, which is more polar than other fatty acids. Because of that, castor oil is quite thick and sticky. The cosmetic industry uses castor oil as a main ingredient in many beauty care products. Those products detoxify and cleanse skin. It also helps break up oils on the face that clog glands and pores. Castor Oil is widely used in cosmetic product for hair and eye lashes. It helps for deep conditioning and thickening of the hair strands and gives a beautiful and shiny thicker hair. The ricinoleic acid in it helps balance the scalp’s pH level. This reduces the risk of dandruff, split ends, and hair breakage.
USP is only to indicate that the material meets technical standards. This is for external, topical, or cosmetic use only. This is material is not intended for food, pharmaceutical, or API use.
Skin Care Hair Care
Lip Care Cosmetics
Make up Cleanse product
Moisturizing Anti- ageing
Reduces acne Fade blemishes
Promote hair growth Condition hair
Prevents stretch marks
All the products offered by Blossom Group LLC are for external use only. Do not consume internally. Products information on the website/documents are for information purpose only. Nothing contained herein should be considered as a recommendation by Blossom Group LLC. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Products should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner. Please read full disclaimer here.