Blossom offers best quality refined Black Currant Oil in bulk. It has yellow color and mild odor for versatile application.
Black Currant fruits are very delicious and nutritive, so and oil obtained from the seeds have lot of nutritive ingredients. Polyunsaturated essential fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is the most valuable ingredient for hair and skin. Other valuable ingredients are alpha linolenic acid and dihomo-gamma linolenic acid- these acids have very strong anti-inflammatory potential. Black Currant Oil applied topically reduces excessive dryness of skin, thus preventing scales and flaking. For hair problems, this oil can make miracle as Polyunsaturated fatty acids provide nutrition to the hair follicles. Once the hair shaft is nourished, hair becomes strong, elastic, and conditioned.
Skin Care Hair Care
Lip Care Cosmetics
Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory
Anti-dermatitis Anti-Allergic
Moisturizing Anti- ageing
Nutrient rich
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